Why I call myself a "Couture Design Artist"
Why I call myself a Couture Design Artist
I had always referred to myself as a Couture Designer mainly because I use a lot of
hand sewing techniques when I design. The title Couture Design Artist came about
because of what others said about me. Years ago, my Sistesr-in-Law were visiting
from Germany and when they saw the garments that I had created they said that I
was an artist. A few years later when I was purchasing a phone, the salesman and I
engaged in the usual small talk of what I did for a living. I told him I was a fashion
designer and he asked if I drew my designs first. I told him I was not an artist so
when I drew out my designs, they would be a very simplistic idea of what I wanted to create.
I shared with him that when I am in the process of creating the actual
garment, different ideas come to me, so the end result is never what my initial
drawing is. I told him that while I’m working different ideas come to me, so the look
of the garment is constantly changing, up until the project is complete. He then said
that I was an artist because like an artist that paints, my canvas is always changing.
It still took me a few years before I used the term because it was so different and in
those days being different was too much out of my comfort zone. Who knows,
maybe I’ve coined a new phrase.
